Milestones have been placed along roads since Roman times to assure travelers that the proper path is being followed. They indicate either how far the traveler has come or how far they have yet to travel. I've recently had the privilege of passing a milestone in my life; a birthday that tells me how far I have come. The birthday does not however tell me how far I have yet to travel on this earth. Should I meet with a calamity, my life could be gone very soon. By the grace of God I may live for many, many more years. I believe I need to plan to be here for some time while still being prepared to exit soon.
Living well as we age requires planning. I see too many people coming to my office who, as they age, regret not taking better care of themselves when they were younger. What we do today can have a profound effect on how healthy we will be in the future. Unfortunately there are no silver bullets to assure health as we get older. There are many claims for anti-aging products and services. Much has been written about things that will support physical, mental and spiritual well-being. I strongly believe the correct answer to aging well is to adopt a lifestyle that promotes health.
Total health requires that a person's healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. If any one area is unhealthy, the person is unhealthy. Neglect one area and the others will soon deteriorate as well. On the physical level all parts of the body age at the same rate. You can't have young skin while having an old liver. Uncontrolled stress will affect the entire body and accelerate the aging process. Being at peace with our Maker reduces stress for today and gives hope for tomorrow.
One of the great things about chiropractic is that it recognizes the interconnection between physical, mental and spiritual health. Chiropractic focuses on the health of the nervous system which controls every function in the body. The proper functioning of the nervous system assures communication between the brain and every part of the body. Chiropractors are also proponents and coaches of healthy lifestyles. Combining chiropractic care with a chiropractic lifestyle gives the body the best possible chance to age well.
I like to think of myself as a bottle of red wine. If I look after myself my tannins will soften, my flavours will mellow and I will grow in complexity. I will become a person to be savoured and enjoyed. However, if like a bottle of red wine improperly cared for, I neglect myself I will become bitter and difficult to take. My body will be lost. Once the wine is deteriorated there is no bringing it back to its former glory. Thank goodness human bodies, unlike wine, can recover from neglect!
As I passed my recent milestone I looked at where I've been and where I'm going. I think I'm aging well, but I can't take it for granted. I need to look after this fine life I have been given.
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