Friday, 2 December 2011

12 Ways of a Healthy Christmas

Black Friday is behind us, Movember is gone,  and Christmas is now less than a month away.  Even big kids like me are getting excited.  But we will only enjoy the Holidays if we are healthy.  Spending Christmas Day in bed is no fun for either the sickie or those who want to enjoy the sickie's company.  We should stay healthy for ourselves and those we love.

Here are my tips for staying healthy this Christmas season:
  1. Plan ahead.  Planning allows you to prioritize activities.  Getting things done in advance reduces stress.
  2. Be realistic about what you can do this Christmas season.  This means there are only so many activities you can participate in; prioritize them as I've already said.  There are only so many things you can bake or make.  There are only a finite number of things you can afford to buy.  Saying no can be a very healthy thing to do.
  3. Make sure exercise remains part of your plan.  It doesn't mean fitting exercise into your busy schedule, rather that there are other things you cannot do because exercise is scheduled and needs to get done.  It may not be your regular exercise routine, but make sure you do some activity that keeps you moving.
  4. Although the days are short, try to get out into the fresh air everyday.  If the sun is shining, enjoy it. 
  5. Recognize things that are out of your control and let go of them.  Focus on what you can control.  You can't control people, you can only control your actions.
  6. Germs love cooler temperatures and they love crowds.  Shaking all those hands is a fabulous way to spread the germs around.  Standing under the mistletoe can really spread some germs.  Wash your hands often with good old fashioned soap and water.
  7. Rest is vital to stay healthy.  Make sure your schedule doesn't have several late nights in a row.  One thing that will depress your immune system real fast is sleep deprivation.  Lack of sleep will also make you more accident prone.
  8. The holiday season is also a time when many accidents occur.  Try to avoid clutter.  Focus on the task at hand.
  9. Eating well during the Christmas season can be a challenge with so many sugary, fatty treats calling your name.  Here's an area where planning can be really beneficial.  When you are not partying, be extra conscious of eating nutritious food.  Then plan to have a few treats when you are surrounded by them.  Don't go to the party hungery and you will be less tempted to over-consume the goodies.
  10. Limit alcohol consumption.  Again planning ahead really helps.  Avoid activities that may encourage binging.  Make sure nutritious food is available.  How about pretending that you are the designated driver?
  11. Get your spine adjusted.  That will assure that your your body is functioning at its best.  The immune system can work, you'll sleep better and your coordination will be better.
  12. The thing that helps me most to plan my Christmas season and keep me doing focused on looking after myself is to remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season.  It keeps everything in perspective and I find it much easier to do healthy things than harmful things.

I want to be healthy so I can enjoy Christmas this year.  How about you?  I'm prepared to do things to help me stay healthy.  Are you willing to do good things for your body this Christmas season?

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