Tuesday, 1 January 2013


If your New Year's Resolution is to become less healthy this year, I have 5 easy steps for you to take to reach your goal.

  1. Inactivity – Lack of physical activity will result in increased risks of circulation problems, heart disease, diabetes, digestive problems, sleep disturbances, muscle wasting, joint problems and mental health issues. It's not just physical activity you want to avoid but mental stimulation as well. Being a couch potato in front of the TV might be a great place to start.  This will minimize both your physical and mental activity levels.
  2. Poor Nutrition – Eat as much as you can of whatever looks good and tastes good. Go for high sugar, deep fried, highly salted, high calorie, processed and genetically modified foods.  Avoid natural foods, especially fresh vegetables (green = bad) and fruit.  Consuming large quantities of alcohol will also deplete your nutritional reserves.  Without essential building blocks the body is unable to repair itself and all its systems gradually breakdown.
  3. Poor Supplementation – Don't take any supplements.  Rely on the nutrient deficient foods you choose (see #2) to supply what your body needs, even though these foods don't have what the body needs.  Even more detrimental to your health is to take supplements that your body can't absorb or that are in forms that the body can't utilize. Choose low quality supplements that contain toxins and fillers. This is sure to stress the body chemically.
  4. Stress Response – Prolonged stress has been shown to be a causative factor in 8 of the 10 most costly illnesses. This includes cardiovascular disease, some cancers, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory problems, spinal conditions, as well as mental health conditions.  So don't develop mechanisms to reduce your stress levels. Let your stresses eat away at you both mentally and physically.
  5. Nerve Interference – Don't worry about using proper body mechanics. Ignore aches, pains and stiffness in your spine.  A poorly working spine affects the nervous system, which is the master control of the entire body.   It only takes as much pressure on a spinal nerve as the weight of a dime to reduce the function of that nerve by 60%. Then every tissue that nerve goes to will be compromised. Be sure not have any chiropractic adjustments to correct vertebral subluxations and reduce nerve irritation in the spine.

I don't know which of these steps will cause the greatest deterioration in your health, but be assured that if you do all 5 of them you will definitely go downhill this year. It doesn't get any easier than that!  Going downhill is always the easy path.

But perhaps becoming unhealthy isn't really your resolution for 2013.  Do you instead want to get healthier? Then you will want to do the opposite of the things I've listed. Increase your physical and mental activity, improve your nutrition, take high quality supplements, control your stress levels, and reduce nerve interference with chiropractic care.  As chiropractors we can help you become healthier this year.

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