heard stories of monks who would deliberately put a pebble in their
shoe so they would constantly be reminded of the suffering of Christ. A
pebble in one's shoe is certainly an irritation. The pebble is felt on
every step and the foot soon becomes irritated to the point that even
when resting the foot is sore. It becomes impossible to step properly on
that foot. Soon the knee, hip and low back become sore as the body
compensates for the foot that isn't working properly. Even the mind is
affected. Where does your mind go with every step you take? To the
pebble of course. You just can't wait for the opportunity to take your
shoe off and get rid of that pebble. The pebble doesn’t have to be very
big either. I can't imagine deliberately putting one in my shoe!
though a pebble in your shoe is a small thing, it can affect your
entire body. There is another even smaller thing that can affect your
body. That is a vertebral subluxation. A vertebral subluxation is when
there is a loss of proper motion between the joints of the spine which
is accompanied by nerve dysfunction. There is usually associated
swelling and muscle spasms as well. Pain may or may not be present, but
there will be loss of function whereever the associated nerves travel.
A vertebral subluxation is such a small, subtle lesion that it takes a
great deal of training and practice to accurately detect it. Finding
and correcting vertebral subluxations is what chiropractors specialize
emotional or chemical stresses can all cause vertebral subluxations.
Once a vertebral subluxation is present it is much like a pebble in a
shoe. It is a constant irritation to the body. Even though no pain
may be present when the subluxation first occurs, the longer it exists
the more severe the associated problems will be. Initially there may
only be stiffness. Later muscles will spasm. Pain may occur early in
the process or may never be part of the symptoms. Common symptoms
include back pain, neck pain, headaches, pain in the arms or legs,
numbness, tingling, and weakness. Even the internal organs can be
affected when the nerves going to them are not functioning properly.
are specially trained in the detection and correction of vertebral
subluxations. The only solution for a pebble in a shoe is to remove the
pebble. The only solution for a vertebral subluxation is to restore
normal spinal joint and nerve function with specific chiropractic
I really thought that it was just a myth. After chatting with my friends who are chiropractors, I finally found out that this myth was actually true. Putting small and circular objects in our shoes helps our spine to stabilize its nerves to avoid spasm. Avoiding spinal spasm reduces our chance of experiencing severe back pains.
Putting an object in one's shoe to relieve back spasms is news to me! I've heard of many, many procedures over the years, but never that.
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