Monday, 26 March 2012

How Do You Eat an Elephant?

If you haven't watched the online documentary "Hungry for Change", you really need to take the time to do that.  It has a wealth of fabulous information about the foods we eat and most importantly how we can eat to be healthier.  A very compelling case is presented for why our society is so overweight and is suffering from so many chronic diseases.

The movie focuses mostly on the impact our diets have on our health.  There is mention of other things that we need to also get right if we are to experience true health.  Health that comes from the inside out and is not just cosmetic or a false front.  Health that provides real vitality and the strength to withstand the physical, chemical and emotional stresses of life.  To achieve such health requires attention to physical, mental and spiritual needs.  None of these areas can be neglected, for we are only as strong as our weakest link.

So to be healthy you need to not only eat right, but to drink right, sleep right, think right, move right, poop right, and talk right.  Those are Rakowski's Magnificent 7.  Plus you need to have a spine that has no vertebral subluxations.  That assures the nervous system is free from any interference that could compromise your health. Chiropractic adjustments are the only procedure specifically designed to correct vertebral subluxations.  The solution is to develop a lifestyle that promotes health by addressing all these factors.  Notice I use the term develop.  It implies that this is a process.

Does this seem like you have to juggle a lot of balls in order to be healthy?  Before you become too overwhelmed, remember the old riddle:
     Q: How do you eat an elephant?
     A: One bite at a time.
The same principle applies when changing your diet or when becoming healthier.  Take one bite at a time.  Every bite of healthier food you take means one less unhealthy bite you will take.  Every action you take toward being healthier means one less unhealthy action you will take.  The effects become compounding.  Celebrate each little step forward.  Today you ate healthier than yesterday.  Today you took more steps to promote your health than yesterday.  Tomorrow you can again take some small positive bites.  Take small steps forward every day and in a couple of months you will be eating better and you will be a healthier person because you are developing a healthier lifestyle.  One bite at a time.

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