The following is from Dr. Gerry Clum, former president of my alma mater, Life Chiropractic College West.
"We are not talking about crack cocaine, meth and heroin here, we are talking about the stuff giant corporations hold the patents on. According to the LA Times quoting the Centers for Disease Control, in 2009, prescription drugs exceeded MVA as a cause of death killing at least 37,485 people. While almost all other areas of preventable death are declining, drug related deaths have increased to a rate of one every 14 minutes in the United States. That is double what it was a decade ago. The main culprit is thought to be prescription narcotic overdoses-Vicodin, Darvocet, Oxycontin and all their brothers and sisters. A new addition to the pain killer killing list is Fentanyl provided in patch of lollipop form and packing a power level 100 times greater than morphine. Linda Rosenstock of UCLA's School of Public Health was quoted as saying the liberalized prescription of pain drugs "may in fact be the cause of the epidemic we're now facing".
deaths among teens and young adults doubled between 2000 and 2008. The
rise is deaths parallels medical doctors prescribing more painkillers
and anti-anxiety meds. Remember the old days when you thought about
someone strung out on heroin willing to do anything for their next fix,
well the cost of Oxys or Vikes on the street for a heavy user is about
double that of a heroin addict. By the way, lest you think this is an LA
thing hydrocodone is the most widely prescribed drug in America.
steps that have been proposed to deal with the problem will amaze you.
How about a police coordinated drug buy-back program similar to the gun
buy-back programs in many cities. Better yet, and this is a quote from
the LA Times "Another initiative would develop voluntary courses to
train physicians on how to safely prescribe pain drugs, a curriculum
that is not widely taught in medical schools". Huh? I kinda thought that
was a big part of their education and training, if not and medics have
made hydrocodone the #1 prescribed drug here in America not knowing how
to safely prescribe them it is no wonder things aren't way worse than
they are.
almost 40 years as a chiropractor I am thrilled to say we haven't
contributed the first script to this problem. I hope and pray my son and
daughter who are chiropractors will be able to say that is true when
they hit the 40 year mark."
Thanks for your insights Dr. Clum.
My closing comment on this issue: And there are people in the medical profession who claim chiropractic adjustments should be banned because they are dangerous.
Thanks for your insights Dr. Clum.
My closing comment on this issue: And there are people in the medical profession who claim chiropractic adjustments should be banned because they are dangerous.