Falls are the leading cause injury deaths in people over the age of 65 and alarmingly the rate of deaths due to falls has increased dramatically in the last decade. It has been postulated that side effects to medications may be a significant factor in this increase. Given our aging population, the numbers of serious injuries and deaths from falls is expected to continue to increase.
The first step in preventing falls is to have the neck checked for vertebral subluxations which may affect the posture orientation and equilibrium system of the body. Chiropractic adjustments can be very effective to improve balance and prevent falls. According to the Mayo clinic steps to take to prevent falls include keeping physically active, wearing sensible shoes, removing hazards from around the home, keeping living spaces well lit, and using assistive devices such as canes and walkers.
Here are some exercises to improve balance. Please start the exercises at a slow pace.
- Put yourself in the position that activates the dizziness and hold for 30 sec. Repeat. The symptoms should diminish with repetition.
- Move the eyes up and down and side to side while keeping the head stationary.
- Repeat exercise 2 while focusing on a finger held in front of the face.
- Bend over as though you are picking something off the floor 20 to 30 times.
- Watch a ball as you throw it from hand to hand 20 to 30 times.
- Walk across an uncluttered room 10 times with your eyes open
- Walk across the room 10 times while turning your head from side to side while focusing on fixed items on the walls.
- Walk across the room 10 times with your eyes closed. Make sure the room is safe! You may need someone to assist you.
The best time to start a balance improvement program is before you have balance problems. Prevention is the term. Even if dizziness is already present, all people are capable of improving their balance. Talk to your chiropractor.
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