Sunday, 1 May 2011

Bed Wetting

Chiropractors have had great success helping kids with bed wetting problems.  Like any condition, finding the cause can involve some detective work.  Very often there are vertebral subluxations in the pelvis, low back or neck which cause interference in the nerve communication between the brain and the bladder.  If this is the cause, chiropractic adjustments help the situation.  Usually a short series of treatments and the child is dry.  Sometimes there are other causes which may require dietary changes or other treatments.

The most challenging bed wetting I've dealt with was the case of A.R.  He came to me at age 16 and his mother described how he had not had one dry night in his life.  You can imagine what that does to the self esteem of a 16 year old.  You can also imagine cleaning up every morning for 16 years. The family had tried everything they and their family physician could think of.  I knew from the onset this would not be an easy case!  I made no promises, just that I would try my best. 

After 16 years the neurological patterns are well established and take time to change.  In addition to the bed wetting, A.R. also complained of chronic pelvic and knee pain.  Unfortunately he lived quite a distance from the office and could not make frequent visits.  This slowed the process.

I started adjusting him using Activator Methods.  We also looked at his diet and had him reduce his soft drink and coffee intake as well as go off dairy products.  After his 10th treatment A.R. was dry for 3 nights in a row.  Over the next 4 months a consistent pattern developed where he would be dry for a few nights after each adjustment, but the wetting always returned.  A.R. persisted and came to the office as frequently as he could.  By the eleventh month, he was almost consistently dry.  I continued seeing A.R. for several more months but his usual complaints had changed to recurrence of the pelvic or knee pain not the bed wetting.  He was a different young man the last time I saw him than when he first came to see me.

Nerve interference from a vertebral subluxation can cause a host of problems.  Bed wetting is one of them.  As a chiropractor I treat the vertebral subluxation, not the bed wetting specifically.  The bed wetting is just a symptom.  The problem is the subluxation.

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