Monday, 27 February 2012


A short time ago I injured my right shoulder.  Just like most injuries patients present with, I really don't know what I did to cause the problem.  I can speculate about why the pain came, but it was most likely the result of an accumulation of several things.  One morning I woke up with discomfort in the shoulder.  It eased as I did my normal morning activities.  Shortly after noon, the pain returned and by evening I knew there was definitely some damage.  My sleep was quite disturbed that night and by the next morning the pain was more severe and my ability to use the right arm was restricted.

The things I did to heal the shoulder were:
  1. Start treating the injury as soon I realized that the shoulder was injured.  The longer the time between injury and rehabilitation the longer treatment takes and the poorer the outcome will be.
  2. Ice to reduce inflammation and improve circulation.  I also used BioFreeze when using real ice was inconvenient.
  3. Stretching to tolerance to maintain joint mobility and function.  Motion is necessary for healing.  It assists both circulation and nerve function.
  4. Chiropractic adjustments to the shoulder to normalize joint position and motion.  This helps the joint to heal faster and stronger.
  5. Chiropractic adjustments to the spine to assure there is no interference to the nerves going to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the shoulder.
  6. Low level laser therapy to increase the healing energy of the cells.  This speeds the healing process.  Laser improves circulation and normalizes nerve function.  Not only do injuries heal faster but they also heal stronger when treated with laser.
  7. Proteolitic enzymes to reduce inflammation.
  8. Therapeutic massage to improve circulation and break down adhesions in the injured tissues.  Massage also improves muscles balance to normalize the mobility of the injured joint.
  9. Nutritional supplements including calcium, magnesium, vitamins C & E, glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, and omega 3s to assure proper nutrients for healing.
  10. Return to mobility and strengthening exercises as soon as possible to rehabilitate the injured joint.
This approach was very successful for me.  Within a week I was pain free and back to my normal activities including shoulder exercises.  When the pain is gone healing is still a long way from complete.  That's the nature of soft tissue injuries.  I know that even though I am feeling good, I still need to continue with adjustments, laser, massage and exercise to assure the best possible healing.  Did I need to do each of the items listed?  Perhaps not, but I want to have the best healing possible so I don't have problems with this shoulder in the future. 

Perhaps you have an injury.  The approach I took to heal my shoulder injury will be effective for virtually all bodily injuries.  Following the same basic procedure will help you to heal most efficiently and effectively.

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