April 4 has been designated Vitamin C Day, apparently to honour the 1928 isolation of Vitamin C by Hungarian chemist Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi. His discovery resulted in the use of Vitamin C to readily prevent scurvy, which had plagued mankind since ancient times.
Although Vit. C, also called ascorbic acid or ascorbate, is not talked about a great deal in nutrition circles any more, it is still just as important a nutrient as it always was. (There always seems to be something newer and cooler available.) The human body does not produce it's own Vit. C so we need to consume it from outside sources. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the foods that contain the highest levels although many foods including some meats contain Vit. C. For the prevention of scurvy adults need a minimum of 40 - 90 mg/day, depending on the source quoted. This is just for the prevention of scurvy and not for the support of optimal health.
Vit. C has many uses in the body. The first is the synthesis of collagen which is necessary for the formation and maintenance of scar tissue, blood vessels, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Scurvy is the inadequate production of collagen. Vit. C is also necessary for for the production of energy in the mitochondria of individual cells. The neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, requires Vit. C for to be formed. Vit. C is a powerful antioxidant and has been shown to have a positive effect of cardiovascular health. It is also necessary for metabolism of certain minerals in the body as well as for removal of toxic minerals. The immune system is highly Vit. C dependent and Vit. C is also a natural anti-histamine.
The government's recommended daily dosages will prevent scurvy, but these levels will not allow the body to function optimally. Because Vit. C is used in so many different capacities in the body, it is necessary to consume it in significant quantities if we want to be truly healthy. For most people that is at least 2000 mg/day. Vit. C is not stored in significant amounts in the body, so we need to consume it daily. The easiest way to do that is by taking supplements.
Even though Vit. C is not talked about every day, we need to be sure we are taking it every day. Vitamin C Day is just a reminder of its importance.
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