My first wife is a fabulous cook. She makes meals that not only taste out of this world but are healthy as well. What a combination! What more could a guy want? Great food that's also good for you.
I took a course from a nutritionist a few years ago. One of his sayings was, "If it tastes good spit it out!" In relation to so much of the food consumed in North America, this is great advice. As a society we consume foods which are pleasant to our taste buds but harmful to our bodies. They are empty calories devoid of nutritional value and full of chemicals that stress the body. Foods that are addictive and compromise the functioning of almost every body system. These are the foods the TV commercials and magazine ads tell us we can't live without. (Where are the ads from the carrot farmers, who produce real food?)
My first wife taught me however, that nutritious food can also taste good. Using ingredients found in the outer aisles of the supermarket (you know the produce, dairy, meat aisles), along with some spices and creativity, delicious meals can be made that provide what the body needs to function. Dishes made with real, unprocessed foods are chalk full of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients that we're only beginning to understand the value of.
Being a great cook is just one of the many reasons I'm still married to my first wife after 37 years. Good tasting, nutritious food is not an oxymoron. My first wife taught me that.
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