Spring time signals new beginnings in nature. Flowers bloom and babies are born as the lengthening days bring refreshing after the gloom of winter. Within us humans there is also a stirring of renewal. People become motivated to put out the old and begin anew. Traditionally, spring cleaning is done to get rid of the cobwebs and grime that accumulate over the winter. Garage sales are planned to reduce the clutter.
Perhaps spring is also the right time to clean out our bodies as well. A time to remove the "junk" that has built up in our systems over the winter when the cold weather prompted us to eat more comfort foods than we should have. Often winter is also a season of reduced physical activity which results in the build up of more toxins in our bodies. Or perhaps our body systems just want to be flushed out; a sort of freshening up for spring. It's a good time to do a detox.
There are many effective approaches to detoxification. Usually they involve a low allergen diet, cleansing herbs, nutritional support, exercise, rest, and drinking plenty of water. When done over a period of 10 to 28 days they are usually gentle to the body while still effective. Detox procedures that involve short term "purges" should be undertaken only by the very healthy.
Cleansing the internal parts is very beneficial for overall health because when there are less toxins in the body all it's systems can work better. When the insides work better we have more energy, sleep better and think better. Who doesn't want that?
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