Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Buyer Beware

This past weekend news outlets around the world reported on research out of the University of Guelph that found a significant portion of herbal supplements tested either contained or didn't contain the products listed on the label.  A typical sample of these reports was published in the Vancouver Sun, "'CSI'-like DNA study finds herbal products don't always list all contents on the label."  The findings are not a surprise to me.

Patients in our office have often asked us why they can by a certain supplement at a big box store so much cheaper than for what we sell products at our office.  My answer has typically been that I know what is in the products I carry.  I do not know what is or isn't in the supplements carried at the big stores and likely no one at the big store does either.  These companies, and many smaller natural product companies, buy their ingredients from wherever they get the best price and simply put their label on it.  They do not maintain the laboratory facilities to assure quality control.  They accept the assurance of the supplier for the quality of the ingredients.  Sadly many of these suppliers lack quality control facilities as well.  It is thus common for supplements to contain toxins, contaminants, and ingredients that do not have the potency they should have.

On the other hand, I do know that by carrying the professional grade supplements we have in our office I am assured that what is on the label is in the product.  Both Metagenics and Douglas Labs maintain their own research, quality control, and manufacturing facilities.  Their products are produced to pharmacutical standards to assure there are no toxins or contaminents.  They produce many of the raw materials themselves and all ingredients are analyzed for potency.  This assures that the products consistently produce the desired biological effects in the body.

There are significant costs to establishing, staffing and maintaining the facilities necessary to assure high quality products.  Although the products sold in our office are often higher priced, patients usually get better results than when they use discount brands.  Many, many times patients will tell me they have tried a specific supplement with no positive results and then they have gotten great results when using our high quality supplements.  The end result was that the quality product was actually more cost effective because the desired results were obtained.

With supplements, as with anything else we buy, we get what we pay for.  No where is quality more important that dealing with our health.  Beware when buying supplements.  Buy quality if you want consistent results.